I absolutely LOVE that Udandi participates in the Crafting Cacophony from afar. Very cool! And aside from Jazzy, she is my friend with the most consecutive attendance, so what does that say? ;-)This time she finished her chunky book scrapbook, which I love, and also worked on the daunting task of making scrapbooks for many of her friends. That's a lot of work! I'm sure they will love it.
Thanks Udandi! See you next time!!
The second Crafting Cacophony is this coming Saturday and I hope you all can come! Hopefully, we'll even have an out-of-town participant again. That was cool! Udandi - are you coming?I have a confession. I have not finished the project I was working on last time. I hope to finish that and work on some paper-wrapped notepads. I actually have made a couple of those since the last Crafting Cacophony. I need to work on things in order. Sheesh! I've got a couple other crafty projects working in my brain, so I need to hurry and get this first one done. So - are you coming? What are you working on?See you soon! Any food requests?