I was thinking to myself the other day about how I love getting together with my girlfriends. We are such social creatures, aren't we? Only...we're so darn busy. We're SO busy, that in order to justify spending an afternoon with girlfriends and socializing, we often schedule parties to buy stuff. Really, I think we just want an excuse to hang out for a couple hours, talk, and eat cookies. ;-) We're just too busy to hang out together for the sake of friendship. Then I was thinking about how I'm on a budget, trying to be more frugal, and I have enough tupperware (although, I could always use more candles).
I was also thinking about how I love doing various crafts, and how many of my girlfriends do too. Then Steve was coughing all night and I couldn't sleep, and I was suddenly hit with a genius idea! (Ok, well, at 1am, I think all my ideas are genius ideas.)
So, here's the genius idea: I think it would be fun if every couple months, my girlfriends came over for a Crafting Cacophony (a craft time filled with lots of talking and laughter...and cookies...or carrot sticks). Everyone could just bring whatever project they happened to be working on, I'd provide table space, music, and food, and we could just spend an afternoon hanging out, getting to know each other better (maybe even making some new friends?), and getting to craft together. Oh, and eating cookies (or carrot sticks...I don't want to exclude the dieters).
You are OFFICIALLY invited. And, if you've got a friend that you think would like to come, bring her! If you are too exhausted to be working on a craft project, feel free to just come hang out for some girl-time.
The bringing of kids is up to you...and how much time you want to spend focused on your project, or watching your child. It will be as child-friendly as a bunch of women doing various crafts can be. Really, this probably depends on you and your kids, and how bored you think they might be. If they want to craft, they are welcome to. Or watch a DVD (that you bring), or play with their toys. Whatever you like!
My thought is that generally we would have set dates you can plan on; I'm currently thinking of trying every other month (odd numbers), on the 2nd Saturday of the month. However, I want to start sooner than March, so the first one will be January 27th.
So...whether you scrapbook, knit, make jewelry (is there a verb for that? Jewelerate?), sew, cross-stitch, paint, make cards (again, carderate?), draw, crochet, or something all your own...pack up your stuff into a tote or a bag on the 27th and head over to my place for an afternoon with the girls!
I'll use this blog for announcements of upcoming Crafting Cacophony events, post pictures afterwards, and general discussion. I'd love to hear what you think of this, and what craft you are currently working on!
Happy crafting - and cacophonating!